Founded approximately 40 years ago by a firefighter, now a retired firefighter with his son now fighting the fires, his focus has now shifted towards the company.
Fondé il y a environ 40 ans par un pompier, maintenant retraité et aillant son fils qui brave les flammes, il se concentre désormais sur la compagnie.
We are excited to say that we have been supporting these across Canada and bring many good memorabilia to the firefighters that are competing.
Nous sommes excités d'annoncer que nous supportons fièrement les compétitions de pompiers à travers le Canada et apportons plusieurs bons souvenirs aux pompiers qui y participent.
Being firefighters, working with firefighters as our sales force and contributing to their families making up the difference makes our store who we are.
Être pompiers, travailler avec les pompiers comme force de vente et contribuer aux familles qui font la différence fait de notre magasin ce que nous sommes.